Friday, February 25, 2011

Signs of Spring

Gerber daises and oranges

Sunshiny outdoor activities

Fresh Peach Pie made from last fall's canned peaches

Yellow umbrellas :)

"All signs of spring", I thought, smiling behind my camera.

Is it really here to stay, do you think?  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Upside Down

The sun was pressing kisses against the earth when I stepped outside after lunch, my whole being lapping up the glorious warmth of it.  I shut my eyelids against the brightness, feeling a drift of a breeze flutter over my eyelids.  Then Matthew's voice pulsed like distant chimes against my ears.

"I don't want the world to be upside down," he said to Dad, who was doing something near him.  "I don't want the world to be upside down, 'cause I don't want to be squashed by a plane."

I laughed at the childish innocence of it, and my ears suddenly opened to the truth in my little brother's words.  Sometimes, in our little existence, we feel that our world is tossed upside down, our lives shaken by the endless turning of the earth.

And yet, suddenly, there is a breathless joy in the uncertainty of that thought.  Our lives are turning, like the earth, held by a hand we cannot see...

 ...yet sure in the infinite truth that the world cannot stop turning, unless He stops it, and we are safer here, in this this topsy-turvy world, than we would be in a perfect, flat world, where nothing could go wrong, where we were in control, our lives in our own hands.

I felt like Christopher Columbus, standing beneath a sky blue with spring, my head touched with joy, discovering peace in the thought that, after all...  I live in an upside-down world.

With all my heart,


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Peanut Butter & Jelly

The best PB & J is made with homemade whole wheat bread, homemade peanut butter, and homemade plum jam.  It comes with apple slices, carrot sticks, and a glass of chilled farm fresh milk.

And to make it even better?  Add an episode of Mr. Ed on Hulu.

Every Thursday, lunch is just such a party.  Mom and Dad are gone for the day, in Tyler for Mom's weekly Vitamin C infusion, and we sit around the living room with our full plates, smiling over the funny 50's TV show, complete with old fashioned dresses, comical characters, and a talking horse.

Need I say it is one of our favorite days of the week?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Simple

...the simplicity of a brown envelope, waiting to be opened.  Waiting to reveal its sweet surprise.

Valentines Day is to me...

 ...a time when you experience the special, simple joy of pasting together colors, shapes, and patterns and writing sweet nothings to the one you love.  It is sitting beside Matthew at the table, leaning over as he pulls on my sleeve, whispering in my ear his idea for Sarah Anne's valentine... as of course, she looks suspiciously over at us, from across the table.  Valentines Day is the excitement in my heart as I open a card made especially for me, whether there be a drawing, a large pink heart, a button, or maybe some lace on the front, it has my name written all over it.  And it is special.

What is Valentines Day to you?  Do share!

[P.S.  Don't forget to check Emma's shop for new loveliness and inspiration. :)]