Things such as...
When I've finished my Math, I'll be ready for college in the fall.
If I keep, working, keep striving, my card business will become something.
How excited all my family members will be
When they unveil, on Christmas morning,
the treasures being created under their very noses.
If I don't stop, if I keep on, I'll have my driving license before February.
How much I will enjoy, once I have practiced to my satisfaction,
standing in the third floor closet, recording the vocals for our newest song.
And then, waiting its turn at the back of my mind...
When I get a moment, a blessed, empty moment,
to sit down, and write a description of my book,
what it is about, why it is important in today's market,
and what genre it fits in, then, Oh Then!
I can package it up in a large yellow envelope,
and put it in the mail.. in the mail,
on its way to a publisher, to see what we can see.
Good night, dear friends,